As part of our ongoing partnership with Nespresso UK we have opened up various volunteering opportunities for their teams, one of these volunteering opportunities is a ‘Coffee and a Chat’ on the Driving for Change bus.

We were honoured to have our first volunteers from Nespresso UK on the bus earlier this week, here is what Gabriella Lambert shared about the experience:

“The Driving for Change initiative, by Change Please, is a wonderful experience helping the London community and we should truly be proud of our partnership.

Karen Costar and I were the first volunteers to go on the bus and it was a fantastic day. If you have ever wondered about a charity to support that is making a difference, you should dive in feet first to supporting this partnership and get on that bus! While you are on the bus you will oversee the coffee corner and your job is to make it a welcoming place for all! You will be pouring coffees while people wait to see the barber, dentist or doctor. The main advice we can give you is to come with an open mind about the day and be ready to learn and engage with everyone who comes onboard.

The act of pouring a cup of coffee and having a conversation does go a long way - everyone has a story to share and we will learn from one another through these experiences!”

To find out more about the partnership and to buy the Nespresso for Change Please pods click here: