Happy Pride Month

There is a strong correlation between homelessness and homosexuality. A significant portion of those experiencing homelessness are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, often due to family rejection, discrimination and a lack of inclusive service.

Change Please works with Stonewall, a charity that has been dedicated to advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and equality for over 30 years. Stonewall campaigns for positive changes in public attitudes and policies, collaborates with key institutions to ensure LGBTQ+ people can thrive, and empowers communities to drive change. Their fight for the freedom, equity and potential of LGBTQ+ individuals in the UK has led to transformative changes.

Through our collaboration, Stonewall provides us with referrals for our training and barista programme, helps find accommodation, and offers wellbeing and emotional support. Together, we strive to create a more inclusive and supportive environment where LGBTQ+ individuals experiencing homelessness can rebuild their lives with dignity and hope.


One of Stonewalls beneficiaries, Haley, joined the Change Please Barista Training Programme after being referred by Stonewall housing, an organisation which houses young LGBTQ+ adults after experiencing homelessness or unsafe households.

Stonewall housing had previously helped her find supported accommodation after a difficult experience in her previous living situation.

From the very start Haley embraced the opportunity to join the Change Please Barista Training Programme. Through her dedication and hard work, she successfully completed the training, gaining valuable experience by working at various Change Please cafes across London.

After graduating, she soon secured a six-month secondment at WeWork. This role challenged her to work at a high pace and independently. During her time at WeWork, Haley also demonstrated her enthusiasm and growth as a barista by assisting the Change Please team at the London Coffee Festival 2024.

We are thrilled to announce that Haley has now joined the marketing team as a marketing intern. Her journey from Trainee Barista to Marketing Intern is a testament to her resilience, hard work and not being afraid to accept the support provided by the Change Please support team.

 A note from Haley:

‘The trainers at Change Please are so kind and helpful. Change Please has also supported me in so many ways, with CV writing, employment workshops and Interview prep.  – they always have everyone’s back and I feel like things are only going to get better.’